DPU as consortium leader
The Consortium Leader is the DPU, with its dedicated research interest to advance non- invasive biosensensing for the benefit of the patient and for progress in personal medicine. DPU has already set up laboratory space, equipment and has acquired experienced research personal for conducting the PI-SENS as the coordinating partner. DPU is involved in each of the planned research projects either being a partner or leader.
Scientific partners
The national and international scientific partners comprise a selection of institutions, with their respective key persons, divided between basic and applied research. The scientific partners are willing to exchange their expertise with the COMET project Initiative in topical fields, e.g.: by short-term exchange of scientific personnel. They also prove a source of diploma, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to study at the COMET project initiative and also potential employers of students trained at the COMET project Initiative. The benefit for both sides include joint publications of high quality, leading to application for joint projects (e.g.: with EU funding).
The SP and PI-SENS mutually exchange their expertise within the main research objectives-this includes short term exchange of scientific personnel, source of bachelor, master and PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Also the complementary already existing infrastructure at all partner sites broadens the project work and is an added value for all participating partners-independently if from industry or academia.
Company partners
The participating CP of PI-SENS cover a broad spectrum including national and international SME´s and industrial organizations from the field of materials development for sensor applications to companies with the need for the development of sensing tools.
The here listed companies have proven their ability to transfer R&D results very quickly into innovative products and processes as it is demonstrated by their successful market standing and penetration. The participating CP clearly see an added value for themselves when participating in the planned research programme. The involved key-persons from the company partners are all positioned in the central management or from the R&D departments or from the business units.