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Prof. Dr. Winfried Neuhaus


Winfried Neuhaus is one out of six Principal Scientists at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and head of the group Biological Barriers at the Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics.

He studied food- and biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (Austria) and received his PhD from the University of Vienna (Pharmaceutical Sciences). Before he joined the AIT, he worked at the University Hospital Würzburg (Germany) as PI for six years and was granted his habilitation in Molecular Medicine. In addition, he was employed at the Medical University Vienna (Institute of Medical Genetics, 2015-2016) and the University of Vienna (Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2013-2016). Before he started in Würzburg in 2010, he was leader of the “Preclinical and Blood-Brain Barrier Research Group” in the pharmaceutical industry company PharmaCon GmbH for two years. In total, Winfried Neuhaus has over 20 years expertise in the biological barriers research field especially for in vitro models and in vitro/in vivo translatability in health and disease. He has supervised over 25 master theses and 10 doctoral theses. He is author of >60 publications in peer-reviewed journals, most of them with first or corresponding authorships, five book chapters, one book and > 100 abstracts. He is engaged as reviewer as well as editor for several scientific journals, he is member of several advisory boards, the current president of the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EUSAAT), coordinator of the 3Rs centre network EU3Rnet and recently appointed Professor for 3Rs and New Approach Methodologies at DPU Krems, Austria.


Several topics in the model development are related to the 3Rs principles in order to improve biomedical science in general and are benchmarked against clinical human data and parameters. We use the models for e.g.:


  • Understanding cross-talk between barrier forming cells and their microenvironment

  • Understanding disease mechanisms

  • Understanding species differences

  • Identification and validation of biomarkers

  • Assessment of therapeutic approaches

  • Drug transport and effect studies

  • Assessment of the influence of the exposome and related toxicity


Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Winfried Neuhaus
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